Hot Deal: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Camera for $3,199 (Grey Market)
The grey market Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera body is on sale for $3,199 at ElectronicsValley on eBay (99.7% positive ratings). This is an imported model with 1 year seller warranty. Seller and item are based in the US. Limited quantity available. Currently, this is the lowest price for Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, which is now in stock at authorized dealers (Amazon, B&H, Adorama) for $3,499. If you are comfortable with imported (grey market) cameras, you can save $300 on this item.
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV: $3,199 at ElectronicsValley via eBay
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV: $3,499 at Amazon, B&H, Adorama.
Read more: Best Lenses for Canon EOS 5D Mark IV.
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